Chinese work on the history of Monumenta Serica

Ren Dayuan 任大援 (ed.), Huayi xuezhi yanjiu 《华裔学志》研究 / A Study on Monumenta Serica, Beijing: Shangwu, 2020, 381 pp.

A recently published work in Chinese is dedicated to the history of the journal Monumenta Serica: Huayi xuezhi yanjiu 《华裔学志》研究 / A Study on Monumenta Serica. The editor Ren Dayuan 任大援, professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University and one of the advisors to the journal, has collected nine articles by western and Chinese authors that deal with different phases, figures and aspects of this Sinological journal, which was established in Beijing in 1935 with the support of the Divine Word Missionaries: Monumenta Serica’s founder Franz Xaver Biallas S.V.D. (1878–1936), two of its most important editors-in-chief, Heinrich Busch SVD (1912–2002) and Roman Malek SVD (1951–2019), the first years of the journal in Beijing (1935–1948), the 1950s to 1970s when the journal was edited in Japan and the United States, the journal’s contribution to Sinology, and Chinese scholars’ influence on and contributions to Monumenta Serica. Most of the articles are reprints, some of them have been translated into Chinese for the present volume.
The work is completed by three appendices: a Chinese Table of Contents of volumes 1 to 66 of the journal, a bilingual list of books published within the Monumenta Serica Monograph Series from 1937 to 2019 and a list of books in the series Collectanea Serica (formerly: Other Publications). An index of names (Chinese – Western/Pinyin) facilitates the identification of scholars mentioned in the contributions.
This work is dedicated to the former director of the Monumenta Serica Institute and editor-in-chief of its publications, Father Roman Malek, “a Polish Sinologist in Germany.”

       目 录

1     华裔学志:历史、方法与视角(代序)

9     华裔学志五十年(1935—1985)
         〔波兰〕马雷凯(Roman Malek) 石天然、李莹莹 译

32   《华裔学志》创办者鲍润生神父的生平及其成就
          〔捷〕柯慕安(Miroslav Kollár)查岱山 译

94     怀念卜恩礼神父
          〔波兰〕马雷凯(Roman Malek) 罗莹译

113   《华裔学志》在北平时期的历史考察(1935—1948)

154    20 世纪 50 到 70 年代的《华裔学志》

212  《华裔学志》及其研究所对西方汉学的贡献
           〔德〕巴佩兰(Barbara Hoster) 谢惠英 译

247    马雷凯博士的汉学研究及其对《华裔学志》的贡献
            〔波兰〕顾孝永(Piotr Adamek)

261    中国学者对《华裔学志》的影响与贡献

283    陈垣先生对汉学的贡献

293     附录

295    附录一 《华裔学志》目录(第 1—66 卷)

350    附录二 《华裔学志丛书》目录(1937—2019)

364    附录三 《华裔选集》目录(1964—2019)

370    人名中、西文对照表


ISBN: 978-7-100-15319-5
Price: RMB 118